RE: [AD] Successives calls to fixup_datafile()

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That's correct: Allegro can't deal with multiple screen mode switches
and fixing up datafiles.

When you call fixup_datafile, the DATAFILE you loaded is permanently
converted to whatever is the current component ordering for your screen
mode. If you call fixup_datafile again, the function assumes you have a
freshly loaded datafile. It cannot "undo" the previous conversion.

You have two choices: Either call fixup_datafile() just once and hope
that the component ordering and bit depth doesn't change when the screen
mode changes (unlikely). Or, you can reload your datafiles when the
screen mode changes.

-----Original Message-----
From: alleg-developers-admin@xxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:alleg-developers-admin@xxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Omar
Sent: Sunday, July 31, 2005 9:25 AM
To: alleg-developers@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [AD] Successives calls to fixup_datafile()


Are successive calls to fixup_datafile() on a same datafile
supposed to be working?

I have problems in my application, using true-color graphics
loaded from a datafile. My application allows switching video
mode dynamically, one of the common point being to allow to
switch from fullscreen to windowed driver using ALT-ENTER.

Without using fixup_datafile(), I'm getting BGR colors on a RGB
display (B and R components being reversed).

Calling fixup_datafile() after each video mode change, the
first video mode for which its called works, other doesn't.
I can confirm this if I switch back and forth.

   Start with DIRECTX driver, call fixup_datafile()
   Colors ok
   Switch to DIRECTX_WIN driver, call fixup_datafile()
   Colors reversed
   Switch back to DIRECTX driver, call fixup_datafile()
   Colors ok

Other way:
   Start with DIRECTX_WIN driver, call fixup_datafile()
   Colors ok
   Switch to DIRECTX driver, call fixup_datafile()
   Colors reversed
   Switch back to DIRECTX_WIN driver, call fixup_datafile()
   Colors ok

Running Windows Allegro WIP 4.1.18.

Any idea? I had a quick look at the code and did not find any
"obvious" return due to multiple call. Conversion is always processed,
but with all those pointer table replacement it is a bit confusing to


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