RE: [AD] Successives calls to fixup_datafile()

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At 21:06 8/2/2005, you wrote:

That's correct: Allegro can't deal with multiple screen mode switches
and fixing up datafiles.

When you call fixup_datafile, the DATAFILE you loaded is permanently
converted to whatever is the current component ordering for your screen
mode. If you call fixup_datafile again, the function assumes you have a
freshly loaded datafile. It cannot "undo" the previous conversion.

You have two choices: Either call fixup_datafile() just once and hope
that the component ordering and bit depth doesn't change when the screen
mode changes (unlikely). Or, you can reload your datafiles when the
screen mode changes.

Thank you for confirming the behavior.
Can this be entered as a bug report/feature request, if not already?

I'll go on with reloading the datafile in the meanwhile.


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