Re: [AD] The Grabber: Alerts, Buttons, and Help

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On Sunday 31 July 2005 10:35, Grady Martin wrote:
> For the first problem, I followed Evert's line of thinking and changed
> the alerts to "Please make a valid selection." and "Please choose one
> item."  I am a bit worried about the acceptance of this patch, though,
> because on paper it doesn't look like much of an improvement.  But the
> new messages are quick and concise, while being descriptive enough for
> their purposes.  Compared to the old messages, these make editing
> datafiles seem more fluid.

Commited, although I did change the first phrase into `please select one 
item for this action' because it feels more descriptive to me. Feel free 
to complain and I'll change it back. ;)

> The standard dialogs patch is basically a shoo-in.

Commited that one as well.

> And attached is a third patch for the location of "grabber.txt". 
> Apparently, not many people actually use the grabber's help system,
> but it doesn't matter now; the fix is simple.

This one I have left out for now:

-   get_executable_name(buf, sizeof(buf));
-   strcpy(get_filename(buf), "grabber.txt");
-   size = file_size(buf);
+   size = file_size(GRABBER_HELP_PATH "/" GRABBER_HELP_FILE);
    if (size <= 0) {
-      alert("Error reading grabber.txt", NULL, NULL, "Oh dear", NULL, 13, 
+      alert("Error reading " GRABBER_HELP_FILE, NULL, NULL, "Oh dear", 
NULL, 13, 0);
       return D_REDRAW;

And particular reason why you're not prepending the directory returned from 
get_executable_name() to the path? I know that there's a good chance that 
both are invalid, but I myself at least never run the grabber  from a 
location where there's a ../docs/txt/grabber.txt, but I might run it from 
somewhere where there is a /path/to/grabber/bin/../docs/txt/grabber.txt.


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