Re: [AD] The Grabber: Organizing Objects

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On 7/26/05, Evert Glebbeek <eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Tuesday 26 July 2005 22:58, Grady Martin wrote:
> > Done!  Attached is the improved version; it's a much more intuitive
> > interface.  Thank you for the Shift+u suggestion.
> >
> > It's not the most elegant procedure (in code, that is), but it's small
> > and has no bugs.  I've both tested and, just in case, profiled it.
> Looks good from a cursory glance. One nit-pickish question: why did you
> move the #define DLG_* lines? (At least from the patch it seems that you
> did).
> I'd prefer to keep them where they are (with the nescessary changes, of
> course).
> Evert

Ah!  I should have mentioned that.  I had a good time wondering why
the main list became unresponsive after adding two items.  Searching
for the reason, I found the DLG_* constants.  I moved them to a more
apparent position as a favor to future contributors.  They're back to
their original position in the latest patch.

  - Grady

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