Re: [AD] The Grabber: Organizing Objects |
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Done! Attached is the improved version; it's a much more intuitive interface. Thank you for the Shift+u suggestion. It's not the most elegant procedure (in code, that is), but it's small and has no bugs. I've both tested and, just in case, profiled it. Thanks for taking interest in the problem, Elias. - Grady On 7/24/05, Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > It definitely is useful. I'd prefer the selection to move along though, > so let's say I want to move an item up 10 places, and the shortcut for > up is 'U', I simply press Shift+u 10 times. Think it would be easy to > implement that? > > -- > Elias Pschernig >
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