Re: [AD] new makedoc tool

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On Sat, 2005-07-02 at 00:51 +1000, Peter Wang wrote:
> Other than for debugging, is there much use in being able to read the
> output?  You can run it through HTML Tidy (tidy -indent -xml) to get
> indented output (though it wrecks non-freeform text) or view it through
> Firefox to see the structure.

No, there's no real use, just looks prettier :)

> I've just written a word wrapping routine here, but I don't think it's
> useful; makedoc lines are chopped every so often anyway.  Indenting tags

Useful for text output. The current way of copying ._tx lines 1:1 to the
output surely never was a good idea.

> might muck up the source code a little (we can't set a global variable
> to keep track of the "current" depth) but I'll see what I can do.
> Oh, we have Texinfo output now :-)

Great. I think that's all the important formats then. CHM/RTF/devhelp
probably can be output through docbook or something already.

How does the future path look? I guess, allegro._tx (and all the
other ._tx) can be moved from the 4.3.x branch to the makedoc module or
a separate docs module.

Elias Pschernig

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