Re: [AD] new makedoc tool

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On Wed, 2005-06-29 at 23:10 +1000, Peter Wang wrote:
> > >
> > >I guess, backends can also use the XML then. I'm curious how it compares
> > >to the XML produced by the perl, python and C versions :) Will try it
> > >out on the weekend..
> I think it follows more rigidly allegdoc.dtd when possible.

Would it be hard to have indentation and word-wrapping of free-text
paragraphs in the XML output? The Python, Perl and C versions have it
(only sure about C), and it makes the XML somewhat more readable. I've
put a zipped version of the C output here (you get the same by running
the one in CVS, but I think some changes were not committed yet.. they
are now):

Good work in any case, can't wait to see this finished.

Elias Pschernig

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