Re: [AD] new makedoc tool

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On June 29, 2005 07:21 am, Michal Molhanec wrote:
> Stepan Roh wrote:
> > Retirement Home for Ugly Documentation Formats. XML-based formats are
> > hard to write (but easy to read, at least by computer). I agree with
> XML formats are easy to write if somebody creates DTD with editors like
> emacs or jedit which offers some form of instellisense
> IMHO makes no sense to use anything another then XML (either DocBook or
> some custom) + set of XSLT stylesheets

I completely disagree. I wrote a _tx -> xml converter, plus the XSLT required 
to convert the xml to various html formats (single page, split main sections, 
and everything split), it was a HUGE pain in the rear. xslt just isn't 
powerfull enough IMO. And the XML is MASSIVE. Near 2 megs just for 
allegro._tx, whreas the original _tx version is under a meg, and a simplified 
_tx (aleg? atx?) format would bring it down further (no format specific 

I'd prefer to go with an enhanced/simplified _tx format and our own converter, 
be it in C or haskel.

> --
> Regards,
>      Michal

Thomas Fjellstrom

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