Re: [AD] new makedoc tool

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On Wed, 2005-06-29 at 08:20 -0600, Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:

> I completely disagree. I wrote a _tx -> xml converter, plus the XSLT required 
> to convert the xml to various html formats (single page, split main sections, 
> and everything split), it was a HUGE pain in the rear. xslt just isn't 
> powerfull enough IMO. And the XML is MASSIVE. Near 2 megs just for 
> allegro._tx, whreas the original _tx version is under a meg, and a simplified 
> _tx (aleg? atx?) format would bring it down further (no format specific 
> commands).
> I'd prefer to go with an enhanced/simplified _tx format and our own converter, 
> be it in C or haskel.

Heh, yes, let's send XSLT (and DTD) also to Stepan's Retirement Home for
Ugly Documentation Formats (TM), they deserve it as much as _tx :)

I'd also say, the efforts by Thomas and me doing it all with XML and
XSLT show that it was the wrong way.. and now Peter just was much faster
with his Haskell makedoc rewrite than we were with the C rewrite.

Elias Pschernig

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