Re: [AD] new makedoc tool

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On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Elias Pschernig wrote:

On Wed, 2005-06-29 at 18:20 +1000, Peter Wang wrote:
Currently there exist [not completely polished] backends for:

	- XML (that matches allegdoc.dtd, modulo extensions like subsections)

I guess, backends can also use the XML then. I'm curious how it compares
to the XML produced by the perl, python and C versions :) Will try it
out on the weekend..

	- LaTeX

Yay. Finally, we can produce proper PDF output. Does it support
arbitrary hierarchy? (._tx needs support for that first of course) It
could then be used for things like tutorials..

	- man pages
	- plain text

A DocBook backend is on the way.  The parser doesn't handle thanks._tx
or external files yet.

Do you know if any of those can produce .info output?

I hope this tool will be taken into consideration if we will be shipping
pregenerated documentation in the future.

I hope so too. And I think, when doing so, we should also revise
the ._tx format slightly, there are just too many inconsistent things
(which therefore make it hard to use). My idea is, it should be as easy
to use as some wiki markup. The simpler the better.

I think it is time to decide what to do with Allegro documentation. It has been discussed for so long, there is a new XML-based format, there are several makedoc tools. But we are still stuck with _tx and C makedoc.

Personally, I think _tx is a mess and needs to be placed into The Retirement Home for Ugly Documentation Formats. XML-based formats are hard to write (but easy to read, at least by computer). I agree with Elias that Wiki-like format is a way to go. The question is: why invent some new format? Why not use some existing? For example ELinks uses asciidoc which is sort-of Wiki-like and extensible. May be worth checking.

Peter's parser may be used for one-time conversion from _tx into extended asciidoc. Normal asciidoc utility would be used for converting it to HTML and DocBook which then could be converted to other formats. If some currently produced format can't be generated from DocBook, Peter's parser can be modified to convert asciidoc to these formats. Plain-text version (essentially asciidoc stripped off the markup by some simple utility) would be shipped with Allegro archives, other formats could be made downloadable.

Note, that makedoc-XML is not part of my "vision".

Have a nice day.

Stepan Roh

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