Re: [AD] ModeX fix

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On Saturday 18 June 2005 12:00, Chris wrote:
> But Mode-X is also available on Linux and other VGA-capable Unix 
> systems, isn't it?

Linux, yes. Any other UNIX system, no. 

> I'm not sure about making the function itself  
> DOS-only since it's been available all this time.

I agree.

> It'll really depend on  
> how many programs use it though.. I definitely don't want to *encourage* 
> its use, but it does *have* use.

I don't think it has use anymore today. But, it's there and we need to keep 
it for backward compatibility.
But please let's throw it out for 4.3, or if we can figure out a way to do 
the same with different drivers do that instead (but I don't think that's 


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