Re: [AD] ModeX fix

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On Saturday 18 June 2005 10:45, Elias Pschernig wrote:
> Thinking about it again, I'd rather put the uses of it between #ifdef
> ALLEGRO_DOS, and not make it available at all on other platforms. That
> also conforms to the docs who have it in the DOS specifics.

No can do, since all UNIX systems define GFX_MODEX and the user has no good 
way to check based on GFX_MODEX alone if split_modex_screen() works or 
It will make the ModeX driver behave differently in DOS than it does in 
Linux and other UNICES (where it doesn't actually work anyway). If 
anything, the docs should be fixed to list split_modex_screen() for all 
platforms that have a GFX_MODEX driver.


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