Re: [AD] key scan codes have changed?

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Daniel Schlyder wrote:
Elias Pschernig:

the two Alt keys produce different results when combined with other keys.

one of the Alt keys  produces a readkey() event.

Which one? The key labelled VK_RMENU here is always reported together
with the control flag (by windows), the key VK_LMENU is the left alt
key and reported as only the alt flag. I don't think there's much
point special casing this and "fixing" what windows reports..

Not entirely sure this is relevant to your discussion, but just in case...

Some of us actually have Alt keys that are supposed to behave differently.
The right Alt key on my Norwegian keyboard is actually called "Alt Ground"
and is used to output printable characters.

i had a fully functional keyboard system working; with 4.1.18 i have now upgraded to 4.2 b2 and many of the keys have changed. so without knowing what keys should return what.. the question is, should 4.2b2 readkey() produce different results than 4.1.18's readkey() ?

some of what you are saying seems to be "its supposed to return XXX" which then implies that 4.1.18 was broken.

if we are changing what keys are going to be returned, then that will break alot of apps written using 4.1.18

if for some reason; i have grasped the stick at the wrong end, let me know and i will go hide under a rock until this is released; then re-write my wrapper again :(

should i be just using the ascii portion, and combining that with the flags to test for modifier+key pairs ?
previously i have been just using readkey().

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