Re: [AD] key scan codes have changed?

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On Mon, 2005-05-02 at 15:07 +1000, AJ wrote:

> i had a fully functional keyboard system working; with 4.1.18  i have 
> now upgraded to 4.2 b2 and  many of the keys have changed.
> so without knowing what keys should return what.. the question is, 
> should 4.2b2 readkey() produce different results than 4.1.18's readkey() ?
> some of what you are saying seems to be "its supposed to return XXX" 
> which then implies that 4.1.18 was broken.

It shouldn't have changed (at least on US keyboards). Others now use the
windows locale. This reminds me, must update the docs about keyboard.dat
being DOS-only..

> if we are changing what keys are going to be returned, then that will 
> break alot of apps written using 4.1.18

Which keys did change? A few special ones probably did change, since the
old version only used the KEY_* keys to determine what readkey() should

> if for some reason; i have grasped the stick at the wrong end, let me 
> know and i will go hide under a rock until this is released; then 
> re-write my wrapper again :(
> should i be just using the ascii portion, and combining that with the 
> flags to test for modifier+key pairs ?
> previously i have been just using readkey().

One thing that also changed, maybe that's what you mean - the values of
the  KEY_* constants of all modifier keys were changed (several times
actually, every time we needed a new key). You shouldn't notice that
with readkey() though..

Elias Pschernig

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