Re: [AD] new_api_branch: al_create_display and blit patch

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On 16/05/05, Chris <chris.kcat@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> I haven't commited my blit() patch yet.

Speaking of al_blit, I still think it's best to move the flags to the
end. Even in AGL, Bob puts the flags for allegro_gl_make_texture_ex at
the end. While it may be quicker to understand what's being done with
them in front, it goes against standard and expected formatting, IMO.

I think I prefer the flags in front, but perhaps it's my exposure to functional programming languages at the moment.  Flags at the back is more C-like.  Either way is ok for me.

> By the way, can we have a compat header file for compatibility stuff, just
> as we have compat C files? It'll help clean up some of the headers.

I thought this was the plan, and to have Allegro automatically include
it/them with a certain define?

I think #include <allegro.h> should pull in the 4.2 API, and ideally only the 4.2 API (in practice unlikely).  Code using the new API can include different (and less monolithic) headers.


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