Re: [AD] Alternate maling list host?

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On May 16, 2005 11:14 pm, Matthew Leverton wrote:
> > I'll put forward the offer a little more formally, I can host the allegro
> > mailing list on my payed host (where is hosted). Should
> > be quicker and has a normal archive.
> I know no one likes SF mailing list's reliability, but before
> switching to any host (TF's or otherwise), "research" should be done
> to make sure it's actually a better long term move.
> Shared hosting environments may or may not be better quality when it
> comes to sending large volumes of email. Judging by SF's stats, the AD
> list generated 50,000 emails last month (~1650 a day) and the AL list
> 22,500 (~750 a day). I know many hosting providers would balk (fairly
> or not) at an account sending 2,400 emails a day for fear of spam
> abuse. Shared hosting providers are notorious for pulling the plug
> because someone started to take more than his share of the pie...
> So any move to a new provider should make sure that:
> A) There will be no problems in handling the load (currently 2,400 daily
> emails) B) It will exist for a "long" time into the future.

I've been around longer than SF, and will probably be around longer still :P I 
forsee it dying in the not too distant future.

I'm sedning off a little questionaire to my hosts support line, see if they 
won't mind 2400 emails a day on a couple lists.

> Maybe a stupid question, but has anyone actually complained to SF yet
> about the delay time? Maybe it's something that can be fixed...

Well, I posted the gmail bug... It seems they just waited it out ::)

Thomas Fjellstrom

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