[AD] extra note for Mac OS X build doc

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Attached is a simple addition to the build docs for Mac OS X that
warns about compatibility problems when using gcc 4 (standard on
10.4). Basically if Allegro (or the programmer's application) is built
with gcc 4, then the binaries will not run on 10.2 and some 10.3

Matthew Leverton
--- docs/src/build/macosx._tx	Tue Apr  6 07:34:25 2004 UTC
+++ docs/src/build/macosx._tx	Tue May 17 06:51:12 2005 UTC
@@ -303,6 +303,10 @@
 Final notes
+   There is a known compatibility problem when using gcc 4 on MacOS X 10.4
+   that prevents binaries from working on older versions of MacOS X. While it
+   is anticipated that a future update from Apple will fix this problem, you
+   can use gcc 3 to work around it.
    As a final note, when coding Allegro programs don't forget that you
    need to use the <code>END_OF_MAIN()</code> macro right after your <code>main()</code> function!

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