Re: [AD] Alternate maling list host? |
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On Tue, 2005-05-17 at 01:05 -0600, Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:
> On May 16, 2005 11:36 pm, Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:
> >
> > I'm sedning off a little questionaire to my hosts support line, see if they
> > won't mind 2400 emails a day on a couple lists.
> >
> Well, my host has no problem with it. So its up to the rest of you people.
> For the transition, probably could just export the subscriber list from sf and
> import into the one on my host, I assume they use the same basic software.
> (gnu mailman).
I'm all for switching - last time the list completely stopped working
for some days I thought afterwards maybe now they installed new hardware
finally and this will be fixed - but the new complete failure this
weekend was the last straw for me. (Even if it's understandable.. they
have to deal with millions or so of mails every day and probably can't
afford the same HW gmail has - but anyway, if your ML means better
service.. we should switch.)
Another advantage with a new list would be that the spam at the bottom
of every mail will be gone. Very minor issue compared to the unreliable
service though.
But then, there's of course arguments for staying at SF as well, and so
far it seems I'm the only one to vote for a switch..
Elias Pschernig