Re: [AD] Empty Datafile Bug

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> Well, it's not a real problem, just somewhat annoying, comparable to
> something like a typo in a comment. I usually fix them when they are
> near somewhat else I edit (and as usually introduce both typos and empty
> lines myself as well :P). Anyway, what exactly are the reasons against
> it? I suppose, it has to do with merging branches in CVS?

It (potentially) screws up patches and diffs against older versions.

> > If and when we decide to do this anyway, can we also get rid of the
> silly
> > `three space indent, but tab expands to 8 spaces' layout and just
> write 8
> > spaces for 8 spaces rather than one tab? My editor can do it just
> fine, but
> > it annoys me anyway.
> Yes, please! I think I requested that already one or two times myself in
> the past.

So have I. Unfortunately, it's going to cause the same problem as above but
on a larger scale: it's going to break every single older patch there is
and completely destroy the ability to do a meaningful diff to an older
version - that's why we can't do this.
I think that for new source files in the new_api_branch/4.3, we can just
use spaces and so weed out the 8 space tabs gradually.


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