Re: [AD] Cross-compiling, and related outstanding issues

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Evert Glebbeek wrote:
You could probably rename the depend target to $(OBJ_DIR)/makefile.dep
with no dependancies of its own, so it'll only run if that file is

But then you can't run `make depend' again when you add include files to a
sourcefile without first removing the makefile.dep manually - which is a
bad thing too.

Why so? Normal users don't need to run make depend (explicitly). And those that would be toying with the dependancies would need to know what they're doing anyway. Indeed, you could even have two targets, 'depend' which builds the dependancy file if it doesn't exist and 'regen-dep' which forces dependancy regeneration.

Anyway, the current behavior, run make depend manually, seems fine to me.

It's non-standard behavior, though. And, unless I missed something in the docs about building from CVS, there's nothing saying it needs to be done manually, and the eventual errors you get from not calling it aren't indicative of what the real problem is (who would think missing header files are caused by forgetting to generate dependancy info?).

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