Re: [AD] Dead DIGMID links

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On Tuesday 22 March 2005 10:10, Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz wrote:
> If you host EAWPATS just give the link. I removed that one for now and
> the Realsound GS one. Looking for replacements I found about freepats.

It seems that I don't have the original sample set on my computer at the 
moment. I'm sure I've burned it to a CD somewhere along with TiMidity but 
I can't look it up now.
However, I just remembered that I once placed a digmid.dat file created 
from the entire patch set ready for use as a download link on my homepage:
This was created from the full EAWPATS set so it weighs about 25MB. I'll 
see if I can dig up the original files, but for now this one is probably 
quite useful as is for people who want to use the digmid driver.


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