Re: [AD] /docs MSVC7 specific makefile target

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pls see the attachment.. have treated icl just like msvc7 .. :) please
let me know .. can you make a diff if u find it acceptable?

On Tue, 29 Mar 2005 10:25:51 +0200, Evert Glebbeek <eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >can we have a --icl flag as well? it's just a matter of usage..
> I'd go so far as to say that we should have one if we're supporting it.
> Evert
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@echo off

rem Sets up the Allegro package for building with the specified compiler,
rem and if possible converting text files from LF to CR/LF format.

rem Test if there are too many args.
if [%4] == []        goto arg3
goto help

rem Test if third arg is ok.
if [%3] == [--quick]     goto arg2
if [%3] == [--msvcpaths] goto arg2
if [%3] == []            goto arg2
goto help

rem Test if second arg is ok.
if [%2] == [--quick]     goto arg1
if [%2] == [--msvcpaths] goto arg1
if [%2] == []            goto arg1
goto help

rem Test if first arg is ok.
if [%1] == [bcc32]   goto head
if [%1] == [djgpp]   goto head
if [%1] == [mingw32] goto head
if [%1] == [msvc]    goto head
if [%1] == [msvc7]   goto head
if [%1] == [icl]     goto head
if [%1] == [watcom]  goto head
goto help

rem Generate header of makefile and alplatf.h,
rem then go to platform specific function.
echo # generated by fix.bat > makefile
echo /* generated by fix.bat */ > include\allegro\platform\alplatf.h

if [%1] == [bcc32]   goto bcc32
if [%1] == [djgpp]   goto djgpp
if [%1] == [mingw32] goto mingw32
if [%1] == [msvc]    goto msvc
if [%1] == [msvc7]   goto msvc7
if [%1] == [icl]     goto icl
if [%1] == [watcom]  goto watcom

echo fix.bat internal error: not reached
goto help

echo Configuring Allegro for Windows/BCC32...
echo MAKEFILE_INC = makefile.bcc >> makefile
echo #define ALLEGRO_BCC32 >> include\allegro\platform\alplatf.h
goto tail

echo Configuring Allegro for DOS/djgpp...
echo MAKEFILE_INC = >> makefile
echo #define ALLEGRO_DJGPP >> include\allegro\platform\alplatf.h
goto tail

echo Configuring Allegro for Windows/Mingw32...
echo MAKEFILE_INC = makefile.mgw >> makefile
echo #define ALLEGRO_MINGW32 >> include\allegro\platform\alplatf.h
goto tail

echo Configuring Allegro for Windows/ICL...
echo ALLEGRO_USE_ICL = 1 >> makefile
goto msvccommon

echo Configuring Allegro for Windows/MSVC7...
echo COMPILER_MSVC7 = 1 >> makefile
goto msvccommon

echo Configuring Allegro for Windows/MSVC...
goto msvccommon

echo MAKEFILE_INC = >> makefile
echo #define ALLEGRO_MSVC >> include\allegro\platform\alplatf.h
goto tail

echo Configuring Allegro for DOS/Watcom...
echo MAKEFILE_INC = makefile.wat >> makefile
echo #define ALLEGRO_WATCOM >> include\allegro\platform\alplatf.h
goto tail

echo Usage: fix platform [--quick] [--msvcpaths]
echo Where platform is one of: bcc32, djgpp, mingw32, msvc, msvc7, icl or watcom.
echo The --quick parameter is used to turn off LF to CR/LF conversion.
echo Use the --msvcpaths parameter if your MSVCDir variable contains 
echo spaces (you can view content of that variable by typing 
echo echo %%MSVCDir%%
echo on the command line). Remember that this will only work if you
echo have MinGW gcc in your PATH.
goto end

echo Converting MSVCDir path...
gcc -s -o msvchelp.exe misc/msvchelp.c
msvchelp MSVCDir
del msvchelp.exe
echo include makefile.helper >> makefile
goto realtail


if [%3] == [--msvcpaths] goto convertmsvcdir
if [%2] == [--msvcpaths] goto convertmsvcdir

rem Generate last line of makefile and optionally convert CR/LF.
echo include makefile.all >> makefile

if [%2] == [--quick] goto done
if [%3] == [--quick] goto done
if [%1] == [bcc32]   goto done
if [%1] == [mingw32] goto done
if [%1] == [msvc]    goto done
if [%1] == [msvc7]   goto done
if [%1] == [icl]     goto done

echo Converting Allegro files to DOS CR/LF format...
utod .../*.bat .../*.sh .../*.c *.cfg .../*.h .../*.inc .../*.rc
utod .../*.rh .../*.inl .../*.s .../*.txt .../*._tx makefile.*

echo Done!


Mail converted by MHonArc 2.6.19+