Re: [AD] /docs MSVC7 specific makefile target

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Evert Glebbeek wrote:
oh yes, forgot about that one !

Didn't you add it in the first place? ;)

yes  :p

the reason i sit down when i program is so that i can forget my legs are attached to my body; sometimes that philosphy , extends to parts of my brain !

in that case, im still in favour of adding the above suggestion. unless
you can think of reasons why not.

Nah, should be fine. The prefered way should be using the fix script

If you are using MSVC 7 or higher you can specify "msvc7" instead of
"msvc" which will enable better optimalization. However it can make the
compilation slower especially for the statically linked version.

i dont like the word  'optimalization'.  its not proper!  even google
says this:   "Did you mean: optimization"

It should be optimization.

which moron wrote optimalization , opps.. maybe i shouldn't be calling anyone a moron, for all i know, it was probably me!!

the note about compile speed will be slower is trivial, and rather
irrelevant, what is an extra minute anyway, when your compiling
something like allegro ?

I don't feel too strongly about this... feel free to remove the offending
paragraph. I can have a look at it myself but there's a chance I'll forget.


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