Re: [AD] tests/test.c

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> if you have far too many CPU features.. which i have (god im ace!)  then
> the CPU feature line displayed on the first screen of /test/test.exe
> will draw off the screen.


> the only answer i have for this is to re-write all the screen drawing
> text into a format that will fit onto the screen.  however "the screen"
> is not easy to define... personally i think 600x400 is a good value,
> does anyone think it should be less ?

Either add wordwrapping or just not bother and tell whomever feels it's a
problem that the text runs off the edge of the screen on their box to just
feel proud about it ;)
We could increase the default resolution to 640x480 (which I usually set
anyway), but in practice I doubt it will matter at all.


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