Re: [AD] drawing modes |
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On Tuesday 01 March 2005 23:13, Victor wrote: > Hi, i'm the guy who posted some modifications to the drawing modes in (now that i've got access to this list, i'll try to post anything needed in the future here). > > I just want to know if it's ok, or if i need change something. I've posted the two diffs there (thanks to gnolam and Evert). My profound apologies for responding to this so late. I hadn't realized I hadn't replied again... :( There actually is a problem with the patch, which has to do with your Allegro installation: the filenames are in mixed caps, which means I can't apply the patch in Linux without editing it first. More serious, however, and something I apprently didn't notice or comment on earlier, is that the patch does not contain C only versions of the new drawing modes. The patch is otherwise ok as far as I am concerned, but these have to be there if I want to apply the patch. Do you think you can make a modified patch in time for friday (considering that I need time to prepare the release and need to have it tested by a few people as well)? I've attached your original patch (for the new drawing modes) and the corresponding changes file. The second patch (removing power-of-two size restrictions) is post 4.2 anyway, so I prefer to deal with that sometime after friday :) Again, sorry for neglecting to reply sooner :-/ Evert -------------------------------- I've made modifications in allegro to create new drawing modes: DRAW_MODE_SPRITE_PATTERN - It's the fusion of DRAW_MODE_COPY_PATTERN and DRAW_MODE_MASKED_PATTERN modes, if the pixel of the pattern is the mask, it will be skiped, like DRAW_MODE_MASKED_PATTERN, but if it isn't, the pixel from the pattern will be ploted, like DRAW_MODE_COPY_PATTERN. DRAW_MODE_AND - It's like the DRAW_MODE_XOR drawing mode, but instead of XOR'ing the pixel, this will AND the pixel. DRAW_MODE_OR - It's like the DRAW_MODE_XOR drawing mode too, but instead of XOR'ing the pixel, this will OR the pixel. Changed files: \include\allegro\draw.h -> Slightly modified (three lines) to define the new drawing modes. \src\c\cdefs8.h -> Modified the PATTERN_LINE() and GET_PATTERN_PIXEL() macros. \src\c\cdefs15.h -> Modified the PATTERN_LINE() and GET_PATTERN_PIXEL() macros. \src\c\cdefs16.h -> Modified the PATTERN_LINE() and GET_PATTERN_PIXEL() macros to eliminate the power-of-two-sized restriction. \src\c\cdefs24.h -> Modified the PATTERN_LINE() and GET_PATTERN_PIXEL() macros. \src\c\cdefs32.h -> Modified the PATTERN_LINE() and GET_PATTERN_PIXEL() macros. \src\c\cgfx.h -> Modified the behavior of the FUNC_LINEAR_PUTPIXEL() and FUNC_LINEAR_HLINE() functions (or maybe macros :-) to understand the new drawing modes. \src\i386\igfx8.s -> Modified the behavior of _linear_putpixel8() and _linear_hline8() functions to understand the new drawing modes. \src\i386\igfx15.s -> Modified the behavior of _linear_putpixel15() and _linear_hline15() functions to understand the new drawing modes. \src\i386\igfx16.s -> Modified the behavior of _linear_putpixel16() and _linear_hline16() functions to understand the new drawing modes. \src\i386\igfx24.s -> Modified the behavior of _linear_putpixel24() and _linear_hline24() functions to understand the new drawing modes. \src\i386\igfx32.s -> Modified the behavior of _linear_putpixel32() and _linear_hline32() functions to understand the new drawing modes. \src\misc\modexgfx.s -> Modified the behavior of _x_putpixel() and _x_hline() functions to understand the new drawing modes. \src\misc\asmdef.c -> Slightly modified (three lines) to understand the new drawing modes. \src\scene3d.c -> Slightly modified (one line) the init_poly() function to understand the DRAW_MODE_SPRITE_PATTERN mode. By Victor Williams Stafusa da Silva - vwss1984 at yahoo dot com dot br
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