Re: [AD] tests/test.c

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guilt wrote:
640x480 is more standard on the newer video cards (which, i am sure
many people would have ..) but there's a 400x300 FS mode on some
systems as well..

im trying to figure out what the minimum acceptable size is, so that everyone can run test.exe without too much trouble. if the user has a 640x480 display, then a windowed test.exe would need to be smaller, and could default to 600x400 so when i re-do the layout for the text, i would be trying to fit all the information into that space. as currently the text can draw off the screen.

On Tue, 29 Mar 2005 18:13:42 +1000, AJ <aj@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

if you have far too many CPU features.. which i have (god im ace!)  then
the CPU feature line displayed on the first screen of /test/test.exe
will draw off the screen.

the only answer i have for this is to re-write all the screen drawing
text into a format that will fit onto the screen.  however "the screen"
is not easy to define... personally i think 600x400 is a good value,
does anyone think it should be less ?


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