Re: [AD] Filtered d_edit_proc() patch

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On Wed, 2005-03-23 at 23:30 +0100, Julien Cugnière wrote:

> The program will die a painful death when d_edit_proc tries to execute the 
> bitmap in dp2 :-)

Exactly. My own code would be an example for that (at least, in this
special case, if dp3 was used).

> My personal opinion is that this would be better off in an add-on. One could 
> easily be made with lots of improved procs like that. They could also be 
> gathered into's code snippets section. However, I don't really 
> mind if it goes in the library as d_edit_proc_ex. And I'm not using the GUI 
> anymore anyway ;-p

Yes, I agree. And ideally, it would all work together with AGUP to have
nicer themes. But then, there are lots of other addons as well..

> > > The function is of the form:
> > >    int edit_callback(int c, void *dp3);
> >
> > Any reason you're passing it dp3 and not, say, dp1?
> The most flexible would be to pass the whole object. The user can then pick 
> whatever info she needs.
>     int edit_callback(int c, DIALOG* d);

Good idea. Then it could function as general callback which also reacts
directly to the changes instead of just filtering them.

Elias Pschernig

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