Re: [AD] Filtered d_edit_proc() patch

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On Wednesday 23 March 2005 23:40, Elias Pschernig wrote:
> Exactly. My own code would be an example for that (at least, in this
> special case, if dp3 was used).

Point taken. I had considered addons that wrap around the GUI, but somehow 
thought it wouldn't likely be a problem.
Best for now to leave it an addon and improve the default GUI extension in 
4.3 somehow I suppose.

> >     int edit_callback(int c, DIALOG* d);
> Good idea. Then it could function as general callback which also reacts
> directly to the changes instead of just filtering them.

With hindsight, it would have been good if the dialog struct contained a 
callback() field with that prototype... hindsight again!


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