Re: [AD] -fomit-frame-pointer Again

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Julien Cugnière wrote:
> Could you elaborate on that ? I've been using
> -fomit-frame-pointer on my C++ 
> project, which uses exceptions, and I never noticed
> anything...

The issue is if you throw an exception from inside a
callback called from one of allegro's functions, the
program will terminate.

Take this small program for example:

#include <allegroh.h>

int d_foo_proc(int, DIALOG*, int);

int main() {

   DIALOG d[] =
      { d_foo_proc },
      { 0 }

   try {

      do_dialog(d, -1);
   } catch(...) {

      allegro_message("A fatal error has occured.\n");

   return 0;

int d_foo_proc(int, DIALOG*, int) {

   throw "Error!"; // At runtime throw will not be
able to find the try block due to lack of a frame
pointer in do_dialog and will therefore result in a
call to std::terminate

   return D_O_K;

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