Re: [AD] Intel C++ 8.1

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> the ICC on Windows is more like MSVC. On Linux, it is more like gcc...
> There are some minor diferences in CMD line options ... it shouldn't
> be difficult to port it. But the fact remains that on Windows, it
> works just like MSVC port does: gcc for ASMs, icl for the rest.

This is how it would work for Linux too.

> Currently this port shall be open for Windows. I have problems
> installing the compiler on Linux. When I do, i'll add the reqd.
> makefile ..

I guess it should ultimately be integrated with the configure machinery on
Linux... not completely sure if that's really the way to go though.
When I tried it last, I had some problems with the ICC compiled library:
text didn't render properly. I didn't invesigate the cause back then


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