Re: [AD] 64bit CPU detection patch

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On Thursday 06 January 2005 09:18, aj wrote:
> >I'll just add it. Can you briefly check that I put the SSE3 detection in
> >the right place?
> yes, you got it right, it goes right next to the SSE2  line.

Thanks. Commited.

> also, there is a note near  it    (in the 
> /allegro4.1.17/src/i386/icpu.c  line 118)
> that says:
> cpu_model = (reg[0] & 0xF0) >> 4;  //Note: Pentium 4 = 0xF -> needs 
> what is it that needs changing ? i dont understand what it means?

No idea... I think it means that cpu_model=0xf if the CPU is a Pentium 4, 
but why and what else it should be I don't know.

> but if its wrong, i'd like to get it fixed asap.

So would I. Does it actually work as it should? If not, what should Pentium 
4 identification code look like?

> (i go holiday for a week, expect no reply until after 15jan).

Enjoy your vacation.


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