Re: [AD] Allegro 4.1.18 WIP deadline

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Evert Glebbeek wrote:

I'd like to get 4.1.18 out this weekend (original plan was last weekend).
This is probably mostly ok, except that I'd like this to be the *final* WIP before 4.2. Problems that need looking into: Xavier's problems with the mouse in AllegroGL on Windows, Mike Farrell's problems with the mouse drawing in smp Linux systems. I'd like to look into this for 4.1.18.

Documentation needs to be added for the new packfile functions that Peter has added. Not absolutely nescessary for the WIP, although it would be extremely good to have them. I may be able to write up something preliminary this weekend, but it may be better if someone who has had a better look at it than I did does that.

For 4.2, I'd also still like to hear about Eric's famous 64 bit patch.

Aside from these issues, I'd like to put the library in full feature-freeze after this WIP, meaning that no new functionality can be added and only functions that implement `missing features' (maybe open functions for the new packfiles?) or empty vtable entries would be added. The documentation and examples need to be looked at and extended for the new stable release, and the demo game could use some attention as well.

Does this sound reasonable/doable? Thoughts? Comments? Flames?


I think version 4.2 should surely have an better alternative for alert. Current alert function is very limited. In my humble opinion, a full feature freeze should happen only after this issue is solved.
Sorry for requesting another delay in the 4.2 release.


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