Re: [AD] Overloading Alert

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Elias Pschernig wrote:
On Sun, 2005-01-23 at 11:05 -0200, Marcio Fialho wrote:
Could you send your hacked version to me? I'll try to work on it and 
improve it (if current time constraints allow me).
    I need a function capable of displaying in a window text with 
multiple lines, having few arguments. This function would basically be 
used to display help screens in my programs. Since these help screens 
usually contains too many lines, perhaps it should provide an scroll tab.
    Perhaps, a function used to display long texts should have another 
name. I think I could save some time if I could use your code as a 
starting point, instead from starting from scratch.

Look how the grabber help is done.. wouldn't that be enough? I think, a
simple alert replacement could look like this:

int my_alert(char *text, button, ...)
    DIALOG d[] = {{d_textbox_proc, ...text...}, {d_button_proc, ...button...}}
    return popup_dialog(d);

It would have multiline wordwrapped text and deal with \n already..
I think this would be enough.
I'll try it after lunch. Give me at least three hours for eating and for testing.

Thank you very much Elias.

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