Re: [AD] Keyconf problem?

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On Fri, 2005-01-07 at 20:37 +0100, Elias Pschernig wrote:
> Ok, the attached patch should do the same as the one on,
> but in a way it can not break again (well, not that it could break in
> any way now that all 128 possible constants are used up).
> About the other problem, don't know. I still hope someone who knows
> windows will make a driver which doesn't use pckeys, but gets the
> unicode symbol from the OS, like in linux or OSX (and i don't even
> think calling a windows function to translate the directx code is
> slower than translating it in pckeys.c).

Committed it - so the crash should be gone. Still no idea about the
problem of the original reporter at
Hopefully this will fix itself after someone finds the windows function
to translate a directx scancode to unicode, and we can drop pckeys.c.

Elias Pschernig

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