Re: [AD] split_modex_screen

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Peter Wang wrote:
Let's just make sure split_modex_screen() is always defined if GFX_MODEX is defined (at the least), no matter if the Mode-X driver is actually compiled in, and make split_modex_screen() return an error code.

It should be, as long as misc/modex.c is compiled/linked. The file is #ifdef hell though, so it's possible there's a hole someewhere. And AFAIK split_modex_screen returns void, so it doesn't return an error code (even if used with a non-Mode-X mode).

This might be the easiest way to achieve it.  Want to supply a patch? ;-)

I haven't really done anything with Allegro lately... my CVS snapshot is horribly out of date too. Maybe if I feel motivated enough tomorrow I may do something, but I wouldn't count on it.

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