Re: [AD] Keyconf problem?

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On Sat, 2005-01-22 at 17:19 +0100, Daniel Schlyder wrote:
> > * The Windows keyboard driver no longer uses pckeys.c.  It uses
> > MapVirtualKey() to map hardware scancodes to ASCII characters instead 
> > (technique from SDL).  It still needs a rather lot of testing.
> IIRC, he also said backporting the relevant code wouldn't be hard. So have
> at it! :)

Oh, I somehow missed that, or forget again. Well, given my lazyness, and
now something saying "it will just fix itself after 4.2.0", I guess I
won't work on it :) And we will have a compelling reason for everyone to
not stick with 4.2.0, since 4.3.x will have sane keyboard handling :)

Elias Pschernig

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