Re: [AD] load_font patch

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On Thu, 2005-01-20 at 22:39 +0100, Evert Glebbeek wrote:

> Commited, with bugfixes and some modifications based on Bob's suggestion.
> Proposed documentation update attached.

Some nitpicking from me about the patch:

> +   This function returns TRUE if the font is an Allegro colour font (as opposed

grep color allegro._tx | wc -l
grep colour allegro._tx | wc -l

I think, we should try to use consistent international spelling. Maybe
at some point, can do a patch which replaces all colour and centre and
behaviour and so on. (Or if we agree on that, use British everywhere -
but in any case, be consistent. In this case, use color.)

> +   The first character in the font range, or -1 if that information is not 

This has a blank at the end of the line, and the same is the case more
often later. Should remove all such blanks.

> +   This function returns the last character of the character ramge for the 
typo                                                            ^

Hm, and you should try to be consistent with "True Type" and "TrueType",
not sure which one is right.

And, not related to the attached patch - I didn't find time to look at
the original font patch when you posted it, but have some thoughts now:

- is_compatible_font should be documented or made internal

- Why is there no way to get information about the font ranges? I think
get_font_range_[begin/end] should have an additional parameter, like

n = get_font_ranges(font) // return number of ranges in font
get_font_range_begin(font, i) // return first character of range i,
where i is in [0..n-1]

- load_dat_font
For maximum clarity, should add something like below, even if it can be
deduced from the example (that is, i'm not sure i deduced it right):

The first font (n = 0) must be named FONT_1_DATA, and its (optional)
palette must be named FONT_1_COLORS (please rename the COLOUR spelling
also here).

Oh, and besides the points above, good work, doing this was long overdue
- and since Xavier González is here, maybe alfont will support all of it
soon :)

Elias Pschernig

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