Re: [AD] load_font patch

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On Sunday 16 January 2005 12:23, Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> Forgot to mention, there's the matter of scripted fonts that are not 
> working yet. I have working code for this that also extends the FONT 
> vtable a little, hopefully also making it easier for addon-writers to 
> into this. I still need to clean it up and do some more testing with it 
> this afternoon.

Update #1
This doesn't yet add the scripted font loading, but it adds the font vtable 
entries I needed and some other funky stuff. This patch adds the functions

int get_font_begin(FONT *f)
int get_font_end(FONT *f)
FONT *extract_font_range(FONT *f, int begin, int end)
FONT *merge_fonts(FONT *f1, FONT *f2)

to both the FONT vtable and the api.
The first two are used to query the range of characters a font (may) 
support. There may be gaps in this range though.
extract_font_range() does just that: it makes a new font out of an existing 
font by copying character ranges from the old structure to the new one. 
One might envision a create_sub_font() function similar to 
create_sub_bitmap() as well, that doesn't do any copying but just sets 
some pointers (hmm... I may just have to do something like that now that 
I've thought of it).
merge_font merges two fonts. As a special case, this function can convert a 
monochrome font to a colour (bitmapped) font before merging them. These 
functions are mainly needed to be able to support scripted fonts, but they 
can be used for some nice effects as well.
The attached example program (which isn't intended as `the' exfont.c as the 
code is too ugly and un-safe) loads the GRX font ncen11.fnt and the 
bitmapped font mys_b16a.pcx, and then combines the capital letters from 
the latter with the first and prints a string using this result.

Undocumented as yet, but (I hope well) tested on Linux.

? keyboard.dat
? language.dat
? src/fonttxt.c
Index: include/allegro/font.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/alleg/allegro/include/allegro/font.h,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 font.h
--- include/allegro/font.h	16 Jan 2005 11:14:48 -0000	1.1
+++ include/allegro/font.h	16 Jan 2005 17:03:41 -0000
@@ -52,6 +52,11 @@
 AL_FUNC(FONT *, load_grx_font, (AL_CONST char *filename, RGB *pal, void *param));
 AL_FUNC(FONT *, load_grx_or_bios_font, (AL_CONST char *filename, RGB *pal, void *param));
 AL_FUNC(FONT *, load_bitmap_font, (AL_CONST char *fname, RGB *pal, void *param));
+AL_FUNC(int, get_font_begin, (FONT *f));
+AL_FUNC(int, get_font_end, (FONT *f));
+AL_FUNC(FONT *, extract_font_range, (FONT *f, int begin, int end));
+AL_FUNC(FONT *, merge_fonts, (FONT *f1, FONT *f2));
 #ifdef __cplusplus
Index: include/allegro/internal/aintern.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/alleg/allegro/include/allegro/internal/aintern.h,v
retrieving revision 1.23
diff -u -r1.23 aintern.h
--- include/allegro/internal/aintern.h	3 Dec 2004 20:56:28 -0000	1.23
+++ include/allegro/internal/aintern.h	16 Jan 2005 17:03:43 -0000
@@ -229,6 +229,11 @@
    AL_METHOD(int, render_char, (AL_CONST FONT *f, int ch, int fg, int bg, BITMAP *bmp, int x, int y));
    AL_METHOD(void, render, (AL_CONST FONT *f, AL_CONST char *text, int fg, int bg, BITMAP *bmp, int x, int y));
    AL_METHOD(void, destroy, (FONT *f));
+   AL_METHOD(int, get_font_begin, (FONT *f));
+   AL_METHOD(int, get_font_end, (FONT *f));
+   AL_METHOD(FONT *, extract_font_range, (FONT *f, int begin, int end));
+   AL_METHOD(FONT *, merge_fonts, (FONT *f1, FONT *f2));
 AL_VAR(FONT, _default_font);
Index: src/font.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/alleg/allegro/src/font.c,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -r1.8 font.c
--- src/font.c	3 Nov 2002 10:48:09 -0000	1.8
+++ src/font.c	16 Jan 2005 17:03:46 -0000
@@ -578,6 +578,196 @@
+/* mono_get_font_begin:
+ *  (mono vtable entry)
+ *  Get first character for font.
+ */
+static int mono_get_font_begin(FONT* f)
+    FONT_MONO_DATA* mf = 0;
+    if (!f || !f->data) 
+      return -1;
+    mf = (FONT_MONO_DATA*)(f->data);
+    return mf->begin;
+/* mono_get_font_end:
+ *  (mono vtable entry)
+ *  Get last character for font.
+ */
+static int mono_get_font_end(FONT* f)
+    FONT_MONO_DATA* mf = 0;
+    if (!f) 
+        return -1;
+    mf = (FONT_MONO_DATA*)(f->data);
+    while(mf) {
+        FONT_MONO_DATA* next = mf->next;
+        if (!next)
+            return mf->end;
+         mf = next;
+    }
+    return -1;
+/* mono_copy_glyph_range:
+ *  Monochrome font helper function. Copies (part of) a glyph range
+ */
+static FONT_MONO_DATA *mono_copy_glyph_range(FONT_MONO_DATA *mf, int begin, int end)
+   FONT_MONO_DATA * newmf;
+   FONT_GLYPH **gl;
+   FONT_GLYPH *g;
+   int num, c;
+   if (begin<mf->begin || end>mf->end)
+      return NULL;
+   newmf = _al_malloc(sizeof *newmf);
+   if (!newmf)
+      return NULL;
+   newmf->begin = begin;
+   newmf->end = end;
+   newmf->next = NULL;
+   num = end - begin+1;
+   gl = newmf->glyphs = _al_malloc(num * sizeof *gl);
+   for (c=0; c<num; c++) {
+      int sz;
+      g = mf->glyphs[begin - mf->begin + c];
+      sz = ((g->w + 7) / 8) * g->h;
+      gl[c] = _al_malloc(sz + sizeof *(gl[c]));
+      gl[c]->w = g->w;
+      gl[c]->h = g->h;
+      memcpy(gl[c]->dat, g->dat, sz * sizeof *(g->dat));
+   }
+   return newmf;
+/* mono_extract_font_range:
+ *  (mono vtable entry)
+ *  Extract a range of characters from a mono font 
+ */
+FONT *mono_extract_font_range(FONT *f, int begin, int end)
+   FONT *fontout = NULL;
+   FONT_MONO_DATA *mf, *mfin;
+   int first, last;
+   if (!font)
+      return NULL;
+   /* Special case: copy entire font */
+   if (begin==-1 && end==-1) {
+   } else if (begin>end) {
+      return NULL;
+   }
+   /* Get output font */
+   fontout = _al_malloc(sizeof *fontout);
+   fontout->height = f->height;
+   fontout->vtable = f->vtable;
+   fontout->data = NULL;
+   /* Get real character ranges */
+   first = MAX(begin, mono_get_font_begin(f));
+   last = (end>-1) ? MIN(end, mono_get_font_end(f)) : mono_get_font_end(f);
+   mf = NULL;
+   mfin = f->data;
+   while (mfin) {
+      /* Check if we've found the proper range */
+      if ((first >= mfin->begin) && (last<=mfin->end)) {
+         int local_begin, local_end;
+         local_begin = MAX(mfin->begin, first);
+         local_end = MIN(mfin->end, last);
+         if (mf) {
+            mf->next = mono_copy_glyph_range(mfin, local_begin, local_end);
+            mf = mf->next;
+         } else {
+            mf = mono_copy_glyph_range(mfin, local_begin, local_end);
+            fontout->data = mf;
+         }
+      }
+      mfin = mfin->next;
+   }
+   return fontout;
+/* mono_merge_fonts:
+ *  (mono vtable entry)
+ *  Merges font2 with font1 and returns a new font
+ */
+FONT *mono_merge_fonts(FONT *font1, FONT *font2)
+   FONT *fontout = NULL;
+   FONT_MONO_DATA *mf, *mf1, *mf2;
+   if (!font1 || !font2)
+      return NULL;
+   if (!is_mono_font(font1) || !is_mono_font(font2))
+      return NULL;
+   /* Get output font */
+   fontout = _al_malloc(sizeof *fontout);
+   fontout->height = MAX(font1->height, font2->height);
+   fontout->vtable = font1->vtable;
+   mf = fontout->data = NULL;
+   mf1 = font1->data;
+   mf2 = font2->data;
+   while (mf1 || mf2) {
+      if (mf1 && (!mf2 ||  (mf1->begin < mf2->begin))) {
+         if (mf) {
+            mf->next = mono_copy_glyph_range(mf1, mf1->begin, mf1->end);
+            mf = mf->next;
+         } else {
+            mf = mono_copy_glyph_range(mf1, mf1->begin, mf1->end);
+            fontout->data = mf;
+         }
+         mf1 = mf1->next;
+      }
+      else {
+         if (mf) {
+            mf->next = mono_copy_glyph_range(mf2, mf2->begin, mf2->end);;
+            mf = mf->next;
+         } else {
+            mf = mono_copy_glyph_range(mf2, mf2->begin, mf2->end);
+            fontout->data = mf;
+         }
+         mf2 = mf2->next;
+      }
+   }
+   return fontout;
 /* _color_find_glyph:
  *  Helper for color vtable entries, below.
@@ -621,20 +811,22 @@
 static int color_render_char(AL_CONST FONT* f, int ch, int fg, int bg, BITMAP* bmp, int x, int y)
     int w = 0;
+    int h = f->vtable->font_height(f);
     BITMAP *g = 0;
     if(fg < 0 && bg >= 0) {
-	rectfill(bmp, x, y, x + f->vtable->char_length(f, ch) - 1, y + f->vtable->font_height(f) - 1, bg);
+	rectfill(bmp, x, y, x + f->vtable->char_length(f, ch) - 1, y + h - 1, bg);
     g = _color_find_glyph(f, ch);
     if(g) {
 	if(fg < 0) {
-	    bmp->vtable->draw_256_sprite(bmp, g, x, y);
-	} else {
-	    bmp->vtable->draw_character(bmp, g, x, y, fg, bg);
+	    bmp->vtable->draw_256_sprite(bmp, g, x, y + (h-g->h)/2);
+	}
+        else {
+	    bmp->vtable->draw_character(bmp, g, x, y + (h-g->h)/2, fg, bg);
 	w = g->w;
@@ -703,6 +895,348 @@
+/* color_get_font_begin:
+ *  (color vtable entry)
+ *  Get first character for font.
+ */
+static int color_get_font_begin(FONT* f)
+    FONT_COLOR_DATA* cf = 0;
+    if (!f || !f->data) 
+      return -1;
+    cf = (FONT_COLOR_DATA* )(f->data);
+    return cf->begin;
+/* color_get_font_end:
+ *  (color vtable entry)
+ *  Get last character for font.
+ */
+static int color_get_font_end(FONT* f)
+    FONT_COLOR_DATA* cf = 0;
+    if (!f) 
+        return -1;
+    cf = (FONT_COLOR_DATA*)(f->data);
+    while (cf) {
+        FONT_COLOR_DATA* next = cf->next;
+        if (!next)
+            return cf->end;
+    }
+    return -1;
+/* upgrade_to_color, upgrade_to_color_data:
+ *  Helper functions. Upgrades a monochrome font to a color font.
+ */
+static FONT_COLOR_DATA* upgrade_to_color_data(FONT_MONO_DATA* mf)
+    FONT_COLOR_DATA* cf = _al_malloc(sizeof *cf);
+    BITMAP** bits = _al_malloc((mf->end - mf->begin+1)*sizeof *bits);
+    int i;
+    cf->begin = mf->begin;
+    cf->end = mf->end;
+    cf->bitmaps = bits;
+    cf->next = 0;
+    for(i = mf->begin; i <= mf->end; i++) {
+        FONT_GLYPH* g = mf->glyphs[i - mf->begin];
+        BITMAP* b = create_bitmap_ex(8, g->w, g->h);
+        clear_to_color(b, 0);
+        b->vtable->draw_glyph(b, g, 0, 0, 1, 0);
+        bits[i - mf->begin] = b;
+    }
+    return cf;
+static FONT *upgrade_to_color(FONT* f)
+    FONT_MONO_DATA* mf = f->data;
+    FONT_COLOR_DATA *cf, *cf_write = 0;
+    FONT *outf;
+    if (is_color_font(f)) return NULL;
+    outf = _al_malloc(sizeof *outf);
+    outf->vtable = font_vtable_color;
+    outf->height = f->height;
+    while(mf) {
+        FONT_MONO_DATA* mf_next = mf->next;
+        cf = upgrade_to_color_data(mf);
+        if(!cf_write) outf->data = cf;
+        else cf_write->next = cf;
+        cf_write = cf;
+        mf = mf_next;
+    }
+    return outf;
+/* color_copy_glyph_range:
+ *  Colour font helper function. Copies (part of) a glyph range
+ */
+static FONT_COLOR_DATA *color_copy_glyph_range(FONT_COLOR_DATA *cf, int begin, int end)
+   FONT_COLOR_DATA *newcf;
+   BITMAP **gl;
+   BITMAP *g;
+   int num, c;
+   if (begin<cf->begin || end>cf->end)
+      return NULL;
+   newcf = _al_malloc(sizeof *newcf);
+   if (!newcf)
+      return NULL;
+   newcf->begin = begin;
+   newcf->end = end;
+   newcf->next = NULL;
+   num = end - begin+1;
+   gl = newcf->bitmaps = _al_malloc(num * sizeof *gl);
+   for (c=0; c<num; c++) {
+      int sz;
+      g = cf->bitmaps[begin - cf->begin + c];
+      gl[c] = create_bitmap_ex(8, g->w, g->h);
+      blit(g, gl[c], 0, 0, 0, 0, g->w, g->h);
+   }
+   return newcf;
+/* color_extract_font_range:
+ *  (color vtable entry)
+ *  Extract a range of characters from a color font 
+ */
+FONT *color_extract_font_range(FONT *f, int begin, int end)
+   FONT *fontout = NULL;
+   FONT_COLOR_DATA *cf, *cfin;
+   int first, last;
+   if (!font)
+      return NULL;
+   /* Special case: copy entire font */
+   if (begin==-1 && end==-1) {
+   } else if (begin>end) {
+      return NULL;
+   }
+   /* Get output font */
+   fontout = _al_malloc(sizeof *fontout);
+   fontout->height = f->height;
+   fontout->vtable = f->vtable;
+   fontout->data = NULL;
+   /* Get real character ranges */
+   first = MAX(begin, mono_get_font_begin(f));
+   last = (end>-1) ? MIN(end, mono_get_font_end(f)) : mono_get_font_end(f);
+   cf = NULL;
+   cfin = f->data;
+   while (cfin) {
+      /* Check if we've found the proper range */
+      if ((first >= cfin->begin) && (last<=cfin->end)) {
+         int local_begin, local_end;
+         local_begin = MAX(cfin->begin, first);
+         local_end = MIN(cfin->end, last);
+         if (cf) {
+            cf->next = color_copy_glyph_range(cfin, local_begin, local_end);
+            cf = cf->next;
+         } else {
+            cf = color_copy_glyph_range(cfin, local_begin, local_end);
+            fontout->data = cf;
+         }
+      }
+      cfin = cfin->next;
+   }
+   return fontout;
+/* color_merge_fonts:
+ *  (color vtable entry)
+ *  Merges font2 with font1 and returns a new font
+ */
+FONT *color_merge_fonts(FONT *font1, FONT *font2)
+   FONT *fontout = NULL, *font2_upgr = NULL;
+   FONT_COLOR_DATA *cf, *cf1, *cf2;
+   if (!font1 || !font2)
+      return NULL;
+   /* Promote font 2 to colour if it is a monochrome font */
+   if (!is_color_font(font1))
+      return NULL;
+   if (is_mono_font(font2)) {
+      font2_upgr = upgrade_to_color(font2);
+      /* Couldn't update font */
+      if (!font2_upgr)
+         return NULL;
+   }
+   else
+      font2_upgr = font2;
+   if (!is_color_font(font2_upgr))
+      return NULL;
+   /* Get output font */
+   fontout = _al_malloc(sizeof *fontout);
+   fontout->height = MAX(font1->height, font2->height);
+   fontout->vtable = font1->vtable;
+   cf = fontout->data = NULL;
+   cf1 = font1->data;
+   cf2 = font2_upgr->data;
+   while (cf1 || cf2) {
+      if (cf1 && (!cf2 ||  (cf1->begin < cf2->begin))) {
+         if (cf) {
+            cf->next = color_copy_glyph_range(cf1, cf1->begin, cf1->end);
+            cf = cf->next;
+         } else {
+            cf = color_copy_glyph_range(cf1, cf1->begin, cf1->end);
+            fontout->data = cf;
+         }
+         cf1 = cf1->next;
+      }
+      else {
+         if (cf) {
+            cf->next = color_copy_glyph_range(cf2, cf2->begin, cf2->end);;
+            cf = cf->next;
+         } else {
+            cf = color_copy_glyph_range(cf2, cf2->begin, cf2->end);
+            fontout->data = cf;
+         }
+         cf2 = cf2->next;
+      }
+   }
+   if (font2_upgr != font2)
+      destroy_font(font2_upgr);
+   return fontout;
+#if 0
+/* color_merge_fonts:
+ *  (color vtable entry)
+ *  Merges font2 with font1 and returns a new font
+ */
+FONT *color_merge_fonts(FONT *font1, FONT *font2)
+   FONT *fontout = NULL, *fontin = NULL;
+   FONT_COLOR_DATA *cf, *cf1, *cf2;
+   BITMAP **gl;
+   BITMAP *g;
+   int first, last, num, c;
+   int colconv;
+   if (!font1 || !font2)
+      return NULL;
+   /* Promote font 2 to colour if it is a monochrome font */
+   if (!is_color_font(font1))
+      return NULL;
+   if (is_mono_font(font2))
+      fontin = upgrade_to_color(font2);
+   else
+      fontin = font2;
+   if (!is_color_font(font2))
+      return NULL;
+   /* Get output font */
+   fontout = _al_malloc(sizeof *fontout);
+   fontout->height = font1->height;
+   fontout->vtable = font1->vtable;
+   cf = fontout->data = NULL;
+   cf1 = font1->data;
+   cf2 = fontin->data;
+   colconv = get_color_conversion();
+   set_color_conversion(COLORCONV_NONE);
+   while (cf1 || cf2) {
+      if (cf1 && (!cf2 ||  (cf1->begin < cf2->begin))) {
+         if (cf) {
+            cf->next = _al_malloc(sizeof *cf);
+            cf = cf->next;
+         } else {
+            fontout->data = cf = _al_malloc(sizeof *cf);
+         }
+         num = cf1->end - cf1->begin+1;
+         cf->begin = cf1->begin;
+         cf->end = cf1->end;
+         gl = cf->bitmaps = _al_malloc(num *sizeof *gl);
+         for (c=0; c<num; c++) {
+            g = cf1->bitmaps[c];
+            gl[c] = create_bitmap_ex(8, g->w, g->h);
+            blit(g, gl[c], 0,0, 0,0, g->w,g->h);
+         }
+         cf1 = cf1->next;
+      } else {
+         if (cf) {
+            cf->next = _al_malloc(sizeof *cf);
+            cf = cf->next;
+         } else {
+            fontout->data = cf = _al_malloc(sizeof *cf);
+         }
+         num = cf2->end - cf2->begin+1;
+         cf->begin = cf2->begin;
+         cf->end = cf2->end;
+         gl = cf->bitmaps = _al_malloc(num * sizeof *gl);
+         for (c=0; c<num; c++) {
+            g = cf2->bitmaps[c];
+            gl[c] = create_bitmap_ex(8, g->w, g->h);
+            blit(g, gl[c], 0,0, 0,0, g->w,g->h);
+         }
+         cf2 = cf2->next;
+      }
+   }
+   set_color_conversion(colconv);
+   if (fontin != font2)
+      destroy_font(fontin);
+   return fontout;
  * vtable declarations
@@ -713,24 +1247,131 @@
-    mono_destroy
+    mono_destroy,
+    mono_get_font_begin,
+    mono_get_font_end,
+    mono_extract_font_range,
+    mono_merge_fonts
 FONT_VTABLE* font_vtable_mono = &_font_vtable_mono;
-FONT_VTABLE _font_vtable_color = {
+FONT_VTABLE _font_vtable_color = {  
-    color_destroy
+    color_destroy,
+    color_get_font_begin,
+    color_get_font_end,
+    color_extract_font_range,
+    color_merge_fonts
 FONT_VTABLE* font_vtable_color = &_font_vtable_color;
+/* is_color_font:
+ *  returns non-zero if the font passed is a bitmapped colour font
+ */
+int is_color_font(FONT *f)
+   ASSERT(f);
+   return f->vtable == font_vtable_color;
+/* is_mono_font:
+ *  returns non-zero if the font passed is a monochrome font
+ */
+int is_mono_font(FONT *f)
+   ASSERT(f);
+   return f->vtable == font_vtable_mono;
+/* is_compatibe_font:
+ *  returns non-zero if the two fonts are of similar type
+ */
+int is_compatible_font(FONT *f1, FONT *f2)
+   ASSERT(f);
+   return f1->vtable == f2->vtable;
+/* extract_font_range:
+ *  Extracts a character range from a font f, and returns a new font containing
+ *   only the extracted characters.
+ * Returns NULL if teh character range could not be extracted.
+ */
+FONT *extract_font_range(FONT *f, int begin, int end)
+   if (f->vtable->extract_font_range)
+      return f->vtable->extract_font_range(f, begin, end);
+   return NULL;
+/* merge_fonts:
+ *  Merges two fonts. May convert the two fonts to compatible types before
+ *   merging, in which case converting the type of f2 to f1 is tried first.
+ */
+FONT *merge_fonts(FONT *f1, FONT *f2)
+   FONT *f = NULL;
+   if (f1->vtable->merge_fonts)
+      f = f1->vtable->merge_fonts(f1, f2);
+   if (!f && f2->vtable->merge_fonts)
+      f = f2->vtable->merge_fonts(f2, f1);
+   return f;
+/* get_font_begin:
+ *  Returns the starting character for the font in question, or -1 if that
+ *   information is not available.
+ */
+int get_font_begin(FONT *f)
+   if (f->vtable->get_font_begin)
+      return f->vtable->get_font_begin(f);
+   return -1;
+/* get_font_end:
+ *  Returns the last character for the font in question, or -1 if that
+ *   information is not available.
+ */
+int get_font_end(FONT *f)
+   if (f->vtable->get_font_end)
+      return f->vtable->get_font_end(f);
+   return -1;
  * Declaration of `_default_font' and `font'

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