Re: [AD] 4.1.17

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On Tue, 2004-11-30 at 11:30 +0100, Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> > There is a preliminary Direct 3D driver that was posted a whiel back. It 
> > doesn't perform well though, from what I recall, so at the moment it's 
> > really useless. If it works though, maybe we can just apply it and hope 
> > that someone will pick it up and make it work faster? ;)
> Any thoughts on this?

Hm, I missed it. When was it posted? I'd say, if it does work, and who
wrote it is still maintaining it, we can apply it. If it doesn't work at
all, or its author has disappeared since, better leave it as a separate
project until it's ready (like AGL).

> I Should be Able (tm) to get these and the mouse patch done this weekend. 
> If there are no issues with them, then I'd propose putting the tree into 
> CVS freeze on tuesday/wednesday and do the release on wednesday/thursday.

Hm, so today in freeze, and release tomorrow. I'll try out your system
cursor patch later, and maybe also get around to post a new
scancode_to_name patch (with a non-crashing exkeys demonstrating it, so
possibly could even have that in 4.1.17, if the freeze is postponed one
day :).

Elias Pschernig

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