Re: [AD] New possible driver and accelerated features?

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> Actually I am working on doing this :) I'm going to learn directx and
> see what I can do, I don't know if anyone feels they can do a better
> job but I guess at the moment I'm the only one trying DX7..

There's a shortage on Windows developers at the moment... I'm sure anything 
you do will be better than whatever I could hack together, for instance.

> do I just have to look through a bunch of source code to understand it?

You can go a long way just by looking how the current DirectX driver is set 
up and looking at the GFX_DRIVER and GFX_VTABLE structures. Most of the 
entries there are reasonably self explanatory, although some documentation 
would be a good thing in any case. Maybe that's something to look into 
while rewriting and updating the libraries internals for 4.3? Or should we 
try to get it done for 4.2?


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