Re: [AD] Using system mouse cursor

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On Sat, 2004-10-02 at 00:49 +0200, Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> disable_hardware_cursor() isn't for hiding the hardware cursor - it's for 
> disallowing it in case you want to use mickeys. Although I suppose that 
> show_mouse(NULL) could hide the system pointer as well.

Yes. It makes it easy to just hide the cursor.

> Bear in mind the following distinction in the nomenclature:
>  * Software cursor (the custom cursor drawn by Allegro)
>  * Hardware cursor (the custom cursor drawn by the OS rather than Allegro)
>  * System cursor (the system default cursor)
> The system cursor is a different entity from the hardware cursor, although 
> for platforms that have a system cursor it behaves in a similar way in 
> that Allegro doesn't need to handle drawing it. It can be a software 
> cursor if the platform doesn't have a native cursor and Allegro's defaults 
> are used.

Hm, I don't see that. In my understanding, the system cursor always must
be a hardware cursor.

> Software and hardware cursors have existed in Allegro for a long time 
> (although the latter were not used). System cursors are new.

Didn't know that..

> Ultimately, the API should hide the differences as much as possible, and 
> the end user would only see a `custom cursor' or a `system default' 
> cursor.
> What I think is confusing is that the MOUSE_CURSOR_ARROW and such are 
> really system cursors, which can be turned into custom cursors by 
> specifying a bitmap for them which is not NULL.

No, I find that makes sense. NULL means, use the system cursor (or
Allegro's default), a bitmap means, use that bitmap.

[Hm, need to leave now.. I'll maybe reply later to the rest of the
message :)]
Elias Pschernig

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