Re: [AD] Undocumented number of timer functions

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On Sun, 2004-09-05 at 20:12 +1000, Peter Wang wrote:

> Timer drivers can implement their own install_int, etc. methods but I 
> don't think any of them do.  In that case they fall back on the default 
> implementation in timer.c, which can only hold 16 timers (see MAX_TIMERS 
> in aintern.h).  Moreover, Allegro can use some of these itself (a quick 
> look: mouse cursor drawing, keyboard rate handling, MIDI playing, the 
> digital sound sweep effect and FLIC playing can all use timer interrupts).

Probably the above should be added to the docs, so users know they
should use timer callbacks sparingly.

Elias Pschernig

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