Re: [AD] Using system mouse cursor

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Evert Glebbeek wrote:
It has no real way to tell when it should change the cursor.

Hmm, alright. But I still think the name is a little.. unpleasant looking.

I disagree. What if you actually want to hide the mouse cursor temporarily
for whatever reason (displaying a cinematic sequence, say)? Hardware mouse
mode is like normal mouse mode, but with the OS drawing the cursor rather
than Allegro. Call select_os_cursor() after show_mouse(NULL) if you want
the default one. This change would also break the API, since the behavior
of show_mouse(NULL) has always been to hide the mouse cursor in either soft
or hardware mode.

set_mouse_sprite(NULL) doesn't hide the cursor. show_mouse(NULL) does, and that should continue to behave as normal. set_mouse_sprite(NULL) just takes the normal Allegro cursor, resets its colors if needed, and sets that as the cursor. Though if we're going to need the OS cursor selector anyway, I suppose we don't really need the altered behavior for the hardware mouse.

- Kitty Cat

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