RE: [AD] standing Windows issues

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> -----Original Message-----
> From: alleg-developers-admin@xxxxxxxxxx [mailto:alleg-
> developers-admin@xxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Evert Glebbeek
> Sent: Monday, September 06, 2004 3:08 AM
> To: alleg-developers@xxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [AD] standing Windows issues
> As I recall, there are some Windows-specific issues that still need to
> fixed:
>  - There's a make install problem for which a patch was posted a few
> ago. If this checks out, this problem is fixed (I didn't have time to
> it myself over the weekend).
>  - There's a problem with Allegro registering a key press (pause I
> when it regains focus after having been unfocused.
>  - There's a problem with the capslock led being toggled when capslock
> on and shift is pressed (see the bug report in the tracker).
> It'd be cool if someone who knows something about Windows or the
> port could look into these (esp. the last two).
> There was also some discussion about a new DirectX 8 (or 7?) driver;
> anyone had a chance to look into this?
I'm waiting for a consensus or something resembling one.

Also, I've found more issues, mostly dealing with the dibsound sample:

1) By default dibsound is compiled and/or linked incorrectly, causing it
to hang when the file open dialog is brought up.
* I'm still not sure what's happening here - I messed around with some
settings in VC6 and got it to work, but I'm not sure how...
2) Sound does not appear to work at all (Windows 2000). I did some
debugging and evidently it's using the directsound driver with the new
allegro mixer and virtual sources - but nothing is coming out :(.  I'll
look into this some more...

I'm talking about cvs from a few days ago though - mayby it was fixed.


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