Re: [AD] standing Windows issues |
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Thanks. I'll see what I can do with that information to correct the problem. Can you reproduce the capslock/shift toggeling bug as well? Everti suspect the problem is here: /allegro4.1.15/src/win/wkeybd.c line 151: /* dirty hack to let Allegro for Windows use the DOS/Linux way of handling CapsLock */ if (((scancode == DIK_CAPITAL) || (scancode == DIK_LSHIFT) || (scancode == DIK_RSHIFT)) && pressed && (_key_shifts & KB_CAPSLOCK_FLAG)) { keybd_event(VK_CAPITAL, 0, 0, 0); keybd_event(VK_CAPITAL, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0); } the same code appears in 4.1.14 and 4.1.13 and 4.1.12 and the 4.0.3 has the problem existed for that long ? (presuming the above code is the 'problem') The comment tends to indicate this is a 'feature' not a bug. (again presuming this code is the cause).
It appears that is the problem. With that section of code commented out, the caps/shift toggling bug does not occur, and everything seems to still work okay. I'm not sure what that bit of code is supposed to do though. The change was made in wkeybd.c in April 2001, so I doubt the bug has layed dormant for that long. Maybe something changed with the latest versions of DirectX?
Revision *1.5* - (view <>) (download <*checkout*/alleg/allegro/src/win/wkeybd.c?rev=1.5>) (annotate <>) - [select for diffs] <>
/ Sun Apr 1 12:16:23 2001 UTC/ (3 years, 5 months ago) by /icruz/Branch: *MAIN* <>
Changes since *1.4: +23 -0 lines*Diff to previous 1.4 <>
added input routines to the DirectSound driver by Nick Kochakian, and DirectX 3 compatibility by Eric Botcazou If you're reading, Eric, care to comment? Peter
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