Re: [AD] Compiling with VC

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> > If the goal is to make working with MSVC easier, then I think a
> > proper solution would be to create a wizard / template for the MSVC
> > users. (I think one already exists.) I would be in favor of
> > including that with Allegro vs doing some "magic" with #pragma. A
> > template would eliminate all sources of problems, including console
> > vs win32, etc.
> Being a long time MSVC user, I don't really think any template is even
> necessary :)

Being a long time MSVC user, I'd find an allegro template/wizard would be really usefu :) Sometimes I create an allegro app just to test something, and it becomes a little painful having to configure it every time :) I started doing a wizard myself, but it became an extremelly hard thing to do (and the MSDN doesn't help very much) :(  The API for changing project setings is incredibly hard to use (Or I found it hard to use).

> I think a proper
> solution would be to create a wizard / template for the MSVC users. (I
> think one already exists.)

Could you point me to it? Maybe this one has code for changing project setings so I can look at it. This is all I need to finish mine, everything else is finished :)

Oscar Giner

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