Re: [AD] minor fix

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On Monday 05 July 2004 16:58, Peter Wang wrote:
> >>- play nice with WindowMaker (there's no appicon, for one)
> I'm pretty sure I was also thinking of FAQ 9.1 from

Ah yes... it doesn't look too hard to implement, so I'll try to add it by 
the time I send in my third revision for the X11 icon patch.

> I think it was to do with events being delayed a lot sometimes.  e.g. if 
> you run expal in X and press a key it takes a long time before the key 
> press is noticed. 

Hmm... yes, I have the same problem with expal... I have a feeling it's an 
issue with the palette fades though, since I've never seen the problem in 
my own code.


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