Re: [AD] WIP 4.1.15 and CVS freeze

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On Mon, 2004-07-26 at 11:45 +0200, Elias Pschernig wrote:

> > define. And if you're going for dropping CPU usage, shouldn't rest(1) be 
> > sufficient on platforms that have a proper system sleep method? When we 
> > were talking about timeslices being 10ms in Windows and Linux, and 30ms 
> > in some other place, that's the approximate time it would take for the 
> No, the 30ms aren't the timeslice AFAIK. But, I actually don't have an
> explanation. I'll try and test it in BeOS if I can still get it to boot
> on my old computer.

Ok, I tried exmidi in BeOS, and modified it so it uses
while(!key[KEY_ESC]) rest(1); instead of readkey.  And that was enough
here to make it not use up all CPU. So probably we can do without that
constant in BeOS. If we can get someone to test the same in OSX, and it
also works there, then the constant actually isn't needed at all.

Elias Pschernig

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