Re: [AD] Makefile flags override patch

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On Tuesday 13 July 2004 12:16, allegrovp@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Seeing that flurry of activity back on
> the list, may I point you to this patch
> which might be considered. I originally
> did it after Eric removed -pipe, as it
> allows one to add such misc flags while
> not having the complexity Eric did not
> want.
> Basically, it allows one to type:
> make CFLAGS=-pipe
> or whatever other flags one may want.

I think this would be useful. There are situations where configure is 
simply too crude or too inflexible, or where you just want to recompile 
certain files with certain flags.

If no one objects I'll apply it.
(Didn't you use to have cvs write access too?)


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