Re: [AD] X11 unresponsiveness

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Elias Pschernig wrote:
I call the handler already when the lock
count is still 1, so if another signal happens at that time, it does the
right thing. With that, I think, it is safe to commit.

Oh, ok. I see. Yeah, that should be safe. However, I still don't like globalizing an _xwin_private* function, and it just screams /* HACK: */. I think the best thing to do is to leave the input handler alone (sans the multi-threaded patch), and just have the *_needs_poll functions return true for the signal version of the library. Allegro has enough hacks as it is, and I don't think we need to add more when we already have the means to fix it simply by changing a return value.

- Kitty Cat

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